Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas tree lighting and hot chocolate

Breaking the wishbone.
Interesting tactic Big Dog;)

This morning....b/c everyone wants a minute by minute account of our lives:)

GH enjoyed a long nap this morning.

My mom got us some Chinese food before she left.

GH had his first fortune cookie. He liked it:)

Thanksgiving with Grandma Sharon

Before our the fancy sippy cups were added:)

The Rooster really got into decorating the tree. Big Dog really liked taking ornaments off the tree.

After we decorated the tree Big Dog brought me the toy phone and I had the following conversation with Santa.
"Hi Santa....Yeah we are doing great. How are you?......That's great. Yes, I know......Well we told him 'no' and put him in a time out.......Yes Santa I will watch my tone. I'm sorry........ I will tell him"
After I got off the phone with Santa I said to Big Dog, "That was Santa" Big Dog replied "uh-oh":D

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Saturday Seven

Seven things that happened this week

1) The Rooster is under the impression that we are a family of pirates. How did she get this idea? ---- Our antique trunks are pirates treasure chests of course:)

2) GH finally babbled a "mama". Woohoo!!! I'm awesome:)

3) Big Dog stole my camera and took some crazy pictures.

4) I pulled a lot of Christmas stuff out of the garage loft. Hopefully I got everything we need to decorate.

5) We went to see Captain Awesome's parents for Thanksgiving

6) I brought in a bunch of toys from the garage. The kids favorites include the hool-a-hoops and the Leap Frog Alphabet caterpillar.

7) I did lots and lots of laundry. I don't know how five people could create so much laundry.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Tradition

Every year since we have been married we have had a little Thanksgiving tradition. After Thanksgiving dinner with my mom we are each given a piece of thick scrapbook paper. We each write the things we are grateful for on the piece of paper. I collect each ornament, wrap them up in a box, and place them under the Christmas tree. On Christmas we open up the box, read them and place them on the tree with all the older paper ornaments.

So tonight I was getting all the ornaments ready because my mom is coming tomorrow for Thanksgiving. I already had the Christmas ornaments out since we plan on decorating the tree tomorrow night. So I decided to pull out some of our paper ornaments from past years and look at them because I'm super corny.

These pictures are awful. You can't make anything out....except for our real names:) Anyway, these were from Thanksgiving/Christmas 2003. This was a special year because this is when we told my mom that I was pregnant with The Rooster. She had always said if we had a baby she would give Rick her classic Chevy. Rick had written that he couldn't wait to get the Chevy that summer. When Rick read it my mom did not get it. But, she did get it when I just came out point blank and said I was thankful for "the baby":D
A footprint from The Roosters first Thanksgiving/Christmas.

These were from Thanksgiving/Christmas 2001. It was a good year for reflection:(
Big Dogs first Thanksgiving/Christmas in 2006. I didn't want to do his footprint in was the only ink pad I could find.
This ornament came from the same year (2006). I wrote that the kids were grateful for each other. But, I also mentioned in The Roosters that she was thankful that the world was full of circles. Boy, did she love circles:)

All of this ornament talk has reminded me that I haven't gotten GH's baby's first Christmas ornament.

Big Dog and Captain Awesome

Just keepin it real.

Some pictures from today

GH had a great time on the swings with The Rooster. The Rooster kept saying "Hold on baby GH"
The kids and Captain Awesome had a blast coloring.
GH thinks he is a big boy:)
GH is very upset about his incarceration.

GH is 34 weeks old today

Preparing a comfy manger for baby Jesus.

We are preparing this "manger" below our Christmas tree for baby Jesus. I told the kids the story of Jesus' birth. Then I told them everytime they do a good deed they will get to put a piece of "hay" into Jesus' manger. Guess we will have to be really nice so that Jesus will be comfy:)

Meet our tree.

This is Captain Awesome and my 10th Christmas as a married couple. Every year we name our tree. We go down the alphabet. This year the name had to start with a "J". So we decided her name is Jacklyn.

Thanksgiving at the grandparents

The kids had a blast at Grandma and Grandpa's house. The Rooster didn't sleep well last night. It might have something to do with the three pieces of pie she ate. GH loved eating turkey, cool-whip and Ritz crackers. I was surprised that all these goodies stayed down.
Rosie's four turkeys visited the farm. I took The Rooster out to see them. But, she was more interested in one of the cats. She tried to convince me to take the cat home. Her pleas convinced me that she truly needed a cat. Thank goodness that Captain Awesome is immune to these types of pleas.

That is just too sweet for me to resist:)
Big Dog got more than his fair share of cool-whip. By the time Aunt Crystal got to the farm there was no cool-whip left:(
The Rooster put Grandma's dolls in the highchair and fed them. Later when Uncle Ernie was leaving Big Dog was body slamming the dolls right in front of GH. I wonder what GH thought about innocent babies being body slammed?
Aunt Crystal gave the GH the traditional first pickle.

"Gobble Gobble"

Before we left GH got a bath in a plastic tub. The older kids tried to take off their clothes and get in with him:)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

GH loves bathtime

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

My kids were complete couch potatoes yesterday...and this post doesn't make me look any better. But, here it is. We enjoyed a viewing of Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. We popped popcorn, spilled it everywhere. Then called it a night:)

Just like Aunt Crystal

The Rooster loves pickles.

I got tagged by Mel on Please don't ride kitty

So I have to answer a bunch of questions:D

5 Things on my to-do list
Thaw the turkey (We are having Thanksgiving on Saturday)
Vacuum popcorn off the floor.....again.
Dust for cobwebs.
Clean bathrooms
Finish Thanksgiving crafts

5 Things I like to snack on
Right now I'm obsessed with trail mix so I would say
chocolate chips

5 Things I would do if I were a millionaire
(Rick already made these plans)
Pay off our morgage, and all of his family members morgages
Trust funds for our kids, nephews, and neice
There wouldnt be much left if it were only 1 million but
Build a new garage
Buy a van
Go on vacation

5 Places I've lived
Nebraska :)

5 Jobs I've held

Shift manager at homeless shelter
Life Skills Trainer
Community Support worker
Lifeguard/swim instructor
Newspaper carrier

People I'm tagging

Stephanie- Bless this Mess
Liz- New Kid on the Block
Krimsin- Ramblings

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Playing outside

It was a beautiful fall afternoon. So we went outside to enjoy the weather.

The kids did a ping pong drop. Next time I will remember to sweep the leaves first.

After I swept the leaves off the porch and raked them out of the flower beds we had a big pile to play in.

The kids spent some time digging in the flower beds.

After I got the porch and flower beds cleaned I made a zoo for the kids to visit.
This is the fancy aquarium at our zoo. It had an octopus, whale, fish and turtle.

The lions were eating.

The Rooster enjoyed the bears. We also had a alligator, and elephant that were not pictured.

I think I'm going to give them animal crackers for a snack...maybe in a muffin tin:)