Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving at the grandparents

The kids had a blast at Grandma and Grandpa's house. The Rooster didn't sleep well last night. It might have something to do with the three pieces of pie she ate. GH loved eating turkey, cool-whip and Ritz crackers. I was surprised that all these goodies stayed down.
Rosie's four turkeys visited the farm. I took The Rooster out to see them. But, she was more interested in one of the cats. She tried to convince me to take the cat home. Her pleas convinced me that she truly needed a cat. Thank goodness that Captain Awesome is immune to these types of pleas.

That is just too sweet for me to resist:)
Big Dog got more than his fair share of cool-whip. By the time Aunt Crystal got to the farm there was no cool-whip left:(
The Rooster put Grandma's dolls in the highchair and fed them. Later when Uncle Ernie was leaving Big Dog was body slamming the dolls right in front of GH. I wonder what GH thought about innocent babies being body slammed?
Aunt Crystal gave the GH the traditional first pickle.

"Gobble Gobble"

Before we left GH got a bath in a plastic tub. The older kids tried to take off their clothes and get in with him:)

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