Big Shot
Today is Rooster's fifth birthday. So Captain Awesome wanted to make a pizza to celebrate. As Rooster spread the pizza sauce she said "Look at me Dad, I'm a big shot". She certainly is.
The night she was born is forever stamped into our memory. Moments after she was born she was taken away by nurses to be cleaned up and to check her vital stats. Captain Awesome snuck between nurses to see our little Rooster. Captain Awesome says that when he said "Ruzenka" she immediately locked eyes with him. I'm sure she was happy to finally figure out who had been talking to her for so long. I think Captain Awesome was equally excited to see her. I think they had an instant connection in that moment. Rooster loves her daddy and he loves her. That night as we fought complete exhaustion we prayed to God for the strength and wisdom to raise our little girl. She still has us completely exhausted. But, she continues to be the sunshine in our home. I don't know where she gets her sweet demeanor (and how she is a morning person is beyond me) But, she is truly our first little blessing.
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