Tuesday, December 23, 2008

We played this afternoon

Big Dog doesn't want the tv on anymore. So my five minute escapes have ended. The kids are under my feet while I set up activities etc. And it's really starting to drive me nuts. Somewhere Krimsin is trying to hold back a knowing smile. She's warned me about this. I don't let my kids have enough unstructured play time. And that eventually I was going to regret it...today is the day.

This is how the afternoon went. Big Dog whining for another sippy cup he can use to irrigate my floors with. Rooster demanding more cheese, and grapes for a snack. Agghh!! I'm gonna lose my mind here. I finally left them downstairs with a bunch of loud toys while I listened to some Britney Spears:D Yeah I know. I'm almost 32 years old and I shouldn't like her. But, I don't care that you all know that I love Britney Spears!

Anyway, before my mental breakdown (Britney would understand and I doubt she would judge me:)) we did get a few things done. The bead track is always a hit:)
Big Dog enjoyed playing with the farm animals and barns. The barn with the blocks makes animal noises. He loves that. While he held onto the toy pig he pushed in the pig block in so it would make a pig grunt. Now that's either being determined or stubborn....maybe a bit of both.
We finally got around to making our December cards for Make A Child Smile.

Rooster used her new Yoga tape. I know....if I were a good Christian/Catholic my kid wouldn't be doing yoga. But I'm not, so she does. It has done wonders for her. She use to really struggle with strength and coordination. I had the same problems when I was growing up. So my mom put me in dance because I was "the clumsiest child ever".
Anyway, I've purchased a few children's yoga tapes in my time. And good Lord they are awful. They just reek of hippie-ness. But, I recently got Yoga Fitness Ages 3-6 from GAIAM. Rooster watched it today and loved it. I thought it was tolerable so I guess I would recommend it if you have to do it.


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