Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sunday's activities

I wanted the older kids to show GH how to stack blocks (not that GH is old enough....but, just for fun). Some people took this activity seriously. Others didn't take it seriously.

Rooster does a great job following directions like jump in the circle, stand in front of the circle. Others just ran away from the circle:)
We played "I spy with my two eyes". I noticed our toy pliers inside the bottle are broken apart. So I guess I better make a new salt bottle. Rooster could point out a few objects. But, I have a lot of weird and random stuff in that bottle:)

Others were just keepin' it real.
Rooster loved decorating the gingerbread house. Others loved to eat frosting by using a candy cane to scoop it up.

Others were a handful today....but, I wouldn't have it any other way:)

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I'm not here but leave me a message after the beep. BEEP!