Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Survivorman is not television for kids

Rooster was watching the episode where Les uses his guitar to catch small game. Now Rooster uses her toy guitar to catch small game like her small toy dog and cow. She always acts suprised that they are in there:D


  1. I take responsibility for you getting hooked on the show! As for the kid, that's your fault...wait till Ru goes out and starts pulling worms out of a tree so finding batteries and starting the house on fire! Logan makes Lincoln log "fire bundles and sets them oddly close to Sully....hmmm.

  2. Oh no!! Poor Sully. You better make sure you have dinner on the table in a timely manner;)

  3. Ill be sure to tell the cook at what ever establishment we are eating at to mind that!

    Logan saw your post and said your my coolest friend cause you like Les too!


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