Saturday, March 7, 2009

Saturday Seven

Seven things that happened this week
1. Big Dog learned to do a simple skip. It's kind of like a gallop. It's pretty cute.
2. Several of our tulips are popping up out of the soil. We are hoping the cold weather headed this way doesn't damage them.
3. Rick is recovering from his surgery. But, we all have small colds that we have been battling:(
4. Rooster has been using sarcasm. Don't get me wrong we are very pleased that she can. But, it's not something we want her to do. She must have learned that skill from her father;)
5. We lost our Internet for a few days. It wasn't nearly as bad as I always thought it would be.
6. We got our Regal running again. We are very proud of ourselves.
7. I got to the bag sale at our local thrift store. I got a lot of clothes and things for activities with the kids.

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