Monday, June 29, 2009

Liturgical Year--- Saint Peter and Paul

Today the church celebrates the work of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. The ladies at the 4RealLearning sites had some great ideas. Most of which I couldn't do because my kids are so young. But, we did have a small activity. We made tents out of blankets in remembrance of Paul. And since Peter was a fisherman we ate Goldfish crackers. The kids seemed to enjoy this activity. Big Dog really liked pulling the tents down. Rooster and GH enjoyed eating the crackers:)

Today was a good day with the kids. We were able to run some errands, play in the park and visit the ice cream parlor.


  1. Wow - I didn't read or think about doing anything special...blame it on pregnancy brain and extreme tiredness. I guess the kids were *divinely* inspired because they spent the whole day building and playing in tents and 'practicing' with the two kiddie fishing poles we have.

  2. I would say thats divine inspiration. I can see Peter and Paul thinking to themselves. "You will acknowledge us today!!!" Then whammo...your kids fell in line:)


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