Saturday, June 27, 2009

fun in the water

This is the best pic I got of Big Dog. He wouldn't stay still for a second:)
Rooster all up in my grill.
I found our slip and slide. So I put it out. GH loved it!

We had water fun earlier this week as well. Big Dog decided to fill the kitchen sink with water and dish detergent. When I walked into the kitchen there was water overflowing from the sink. A steady stream of water was flowing onto the counter tops, and onto the floor. The mountain of bubbles was actually quite impressive. Oh yeah---and there was a smiling boy. Captain Awesome says Big Dog is lucky he is so cute. That his good looks will probably get him out of a lot of trouble in the coming years.


  1. So he over flowed the sink, and then drained the pol! Yea, looks will have to bail him out more than once as he gets older. Logan says Ru looks cute all up in your grill!

  2. Tell Logan thanks. I imagine his smooth talking will get him out of a few pridicaments as well;)


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