Saturday, October 10, 2009

Saturday Seven

Seven Things That Happened This Week
1) Other kindergarten are rubbing off on Rooster. She always comes home saying things like she is losing a tooth, or she has chicken pox. I have to remind her that she was vaccinated for the chicken pox. And that her classmates are older than she is, so they will probably lose their teeth before her.
2) Rocky has been "running away" and "hiding" according to Ruzenka:D Since he has become a member of the family we are shopping for a code name for Rocky. So if you have suggestions please leave them in the comment section.
3) One of Roosters friends in school has a baby sister. So she is always shopping for a baby sister. So when Tiny Tim showed up she said "He can be my baby sister". I told her "Rooster HE is a boy so he will never be any ones sister. And just because his dad leaves him here doesn't mean we get to keep him.":D GH loved having another baby around. At dinner GH intentionally dropped his fork and said "Oh, no". Tiny Tim added "Ta-da". Yes---I was very impressed:D
4) Big Dog is enjoying being back in preschool. I got a message from the preschool today. (Our voicemail wasn't working for more than 24 annoying) They said that Big Dog is following directions, and answering questions for them. But, that they have had to work on him not growling. Apparently growling is not an acceptable way to answer your teacher;)
5) Captain Awesome had meetings this week. But, was able to get 1.5 days off. Woot!
6) I got to go out for Girls Night Out. My SIL Shell asked me what we did. I told her I wanted to blog that we were all out shooting whiskey all night. But, that this would probably not put my friends in the best light since they are pregnant. What we really did was go to Zestos to enjoy ice cream....and it was delicious.
7) Big Dog is laying on the floor beside me (trying to avoid going to bed) he made a "W" with his fingers.

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