Saturday, November 29, 2008

Saturday Seven

Seven things that happened this week

1) The Rooster is under the impression that we are a family of pirates. How did she get this idea? ---- Our antique trunks are pirates treasure chests of course:)

2) GH finally babbled a "mama". Woohoo!!! I'm awesome:)

3) Big Dog stole my camera and took some crazy pictures.

4) I pulled a lot of Christmas stuff out of the garage loft. Hopefully I got everything we need to decorate.

5) We went to see Captain Awesome's parents for Thanksgiving

6) I brought in a bunch of toys from the garage. The kids favorites include the hool-a-hoops and the Leap Frog Alphabet caterpillar.

7) I did lots and lots of laundry. I don't know how five people could create so much laundry.

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