Monday, April 6, 2009

Big Dog's Big Day

Big Dog was up all last night with a fever. But, he's starting to feel better. This morning I had to keep him from jumping on the couches. So he must be feeling better.

Last night before he went to bed we had this brief conversation.

"Brett tomorrow is your birthday. You are going to be three years old. Can you say 'I'm three'."

He replied "I'm three. One, two, three" Then he began to jump around.

I said "You need to get some rest tonight. Tomorrow is a big day. You are getting a cake and a big present."

He says, "Yeah!!!!" Then flops back on his bed.

Unfortunately that wasn't the last time I saw Big Dog last night. It was a long one. And I was hoping that he would take a nap this morning. No such luck:D

Anyway, here is a picture of him this morning with his new trike. He really likes it. He likes the old fashion bell on it. Personally, I'm already over it and hoping it breaks soon. Haha

Captain Awesome wants me to start making the kids birthday cakes. GH's cake (see post below) was the first decorated birthday cake I ever tried to make. I made this one for Big Dog this morning. I wanted to decorate the bears with jerseys. But, I underestimated the amount of work involved. So they are playing in the buff;)

1 comment:

I'm not here but leave me a message after the beep. BEEP!