Monday, September 22, 2008

Help us name the new blog

We have been brainstorming for a new name for our blog. But, we haven't found one that meets our criteria. a) we don't want to use our names b) we want something funny c) we don't want it to be offensive:)

So we thought maybe we would open it up for suggestions. After submitting a suggestion in the comments section of this entry we will post a poll and let our readers decide on a name. We thought we would leave it open for suggestions for a week or so to give people time to brainstorm. Here are some ideas we came up with to help you get started.
- Wahooligans
-Not so quiet riot
-Humpty was pushed

We actually had more ideas but, I didn't write them down. So I will add them later if I remember. Anyway, you might be asking yourself, why should I help? Well my dear friends its called a prize package. If your name receives the most votes you will receive the following prizes.

Nine Christmas stickers courtesy of Boys Town
A free rental from one of our local video stores. Too bad if you don't live near us:( This sports car
Save $1 on two Hot Pockets coupon.

And if that doesn't make you want to help us out. I know cold hard cash will. You will also win this $1 bill.
Thanks for your participation.


  1. A person who will remain annonymous said that it would be funny to name the blog "Shopping for a Time Share in Hell" but inappropriate. I said "most of you would think its funny"

  2. Another annonymous suggestion:

    Hi, I'm Ricky Bobby. If you don't chew Big Red, then *bleep* you.


I'm not here but leave me a message after the beep. BEEP!